SA Finance Minister calls for Full Legalization of Cannabis as a “Taxable Product”
South Africa’s Finance Minister Tito Mboweni has called for the full legalization of cannabis. He says cannabis should be a “legal, taxable product that generates money for the fiscus, creates jobs and brings illegal farmers into the economic mainstream.
The NCMP is now under the control of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) which envisages the establishment of cannabis or hemp regional agri-processing hubs to empower small-scale farmers. The NCMP is part of a broader initiative by Minister Thoko Didiza to boost agriculture’s contribution to GDP from its current 13% to 20%.
“Let them smoke legally,” the Minister said. “The constitution already allows it. They’re already doing it. The main thing is for parliament to change the necessary laws so that cannabis can boost the economy”.
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